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About The Dev


My screen name is ArachnidAnt though you can call me Ant.

I am The solo dev of Crash Land Fantasy which means that I will be filling a lot of different roles.

I would primarily consider myself an artist though my main passion is story telling.

3D Modelling Experience

2022 to 2023 I went to uni and got a advanced diploma in game art and animation, I learned how to model in Maya

I worked on a end of year game project called hoodwinked, a social deduction game (Going to be released on steam for free soon) It was set in a alt history 1950's. Working on it was super fun and I really enjoyed the experience, I created a lot of the background assets

I am using these skills to help make the backgrounds for the project, It felt kind of like cheating in a way but also I am one person and have to use what I can to make the game as good as possible. I create the backgrounds in blender then put the renders in clip studio and add outlines, colour correction, mist, extra lighting effects, ect

My Art Station if interested in my 3D work: 


Coding Experience

I took a computer programing course in high school so I have a foundational understanding of how to code which I found to be sufficient in my endeavor to make my cinematic visual novel. I also made a game using in 2020 which taught me a lot about how to code in and use the tools available.

Writing Experience

I really wanted to be a story teller from when I was young, I have half written a lot of projects but haven't finished/ released any projects, This is my first major project that I'm releasing.


This was an area I recognized I lacked in experience so I made sure to put a lot of effort into studying up on, I have listened to hours of lectures while writing, Have gotten reviews of the script and have tried to make it as polished as possible. 

I am proud of what is currently written so I hope you will find it fun, entertaining and emotional in the full release of the game.

Art Experience

I took visual communications in year 12 which taught the art and design basics and gave the opportunity for mentored art advice.


I am mostly self taught in digital art, I have been drawing cute anime girls for 4 years since I got my drawing tablet and sketching in the side of notebooks since I was super young.

My previous (Unfinished) Visual Novel Game

previous unfinished game art

previous unfinished game art


2020 I Decided I wanted to make visual novels and my first game was called "Cat Tamer!" a game where you befriend stray cats

It was fun to make and it taught me a lot about coding but I was still getting use to making digital art so it looks quite "juvenile" and I couldn't do backgrounds at the time

All in all I was happy with what I achieved and I learned a lot about game development and organization from the project

I still like some of the art concepts so here you go!



I am very excited to show of Crash-Land fantasy and I hope you enjoy it!

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